For science to contribute to the understanding of and to addressing global challenges, researchers need to be able to collaborate across borders and disciplines. Global research networks and research institutions with global network activities play an important and effective role in this context.
The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) supports the establishment and operation of coordination offices of global research networks in Switzerland as well as the operation of network institutions. This support aims to strengthen Switzerland's position as a knowledge hub on global, complex and interdisciplinary research issues as well as to facilitate the access of Swiss researchers to the most important networks in their respective fields of knowledge.
Commission for Research Networks
c/o Dr. Roger Pfister
General secretariat
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern
News from the networks

Mountain Research Initiative MRI: upgraded website and expert database
As part of its mission to empower our community in making connections for our changing mountains, the MRI unveil its revamped digital ecosystem, featuring an enhanced website and expert database.

SCNAT funds global research network on stress and resilience
The SCNAT provides funding for the establishment of a Global Stress and Resilience Network (GSRNet) with a coordination office under the guidance of behavioural neuroscientist Carmen Sandi at the EPFL.
Image: Carmen Sandi
Fields Medal 2022: two mathematicians in Switzerland among the honoured
This year, the International Mathematical Union awards the prestigious Fields Medal to four researchers, among them Maryna Viazosvska from EPFL and Hugo Duminil-Copin from the University of Geneva.
Image: International Math Union, Matteo Fieni